Ignou Assignment submission for TEE June 2020.
Now Ignou has now notified that Student can submit their assignment through Email. students don’t need to visit study centre for submitting assignment. All the regional centre will receive the scanned copy Assignment through dedicated email.
Earlier IGNOU had extended the last date for Assignment submission date from 31st March 2020 to 30th April,2020 due corona virus and 21 days lock down. TMA or Assignment submission is mandatory for the student to appear at Term End Exam. Usually Term End Exams held in the month of June.
Tutor Mark Assignment(TMA) is a crucial Part of Ignou distance course. TMA carries 30 percentage in the course and it is necessary for student to score 40 percentage mark in TMA to complete the course.
How to submit IGNOU assignment online?
A) For submitting IGNOU assignment, students have to write the assignment in his/her own hand writing.
B) In the the first page he/she should write the following detail.
Student’s name
Enrollment Number
Programme Code
Study Centre Code
Regional Centre Code
Course Code(s)
Mobile Number
C) Scan the Assignment in PDF format.
Each course’s assignment in single PDF document.
D) Compose the Email with related information Given in B.
E) Attach the scanned PDF and sent it to dedicated email of concern Regional centre.