NIOS English 302 assignment solved for 12th (2023)

NIOS English 302 assignment solved


NIOS english assignment is needed to be submited by students online from the NIOS dashboard. It must be submitted before the last date as NIOS start charging the late fee after that. Students have to write down the solution of all questions provided in the assignment to get full marks i,e 20. 

All the process to submit assignment is now online. So, students can submit it online before the last date which is 31st July 2023.

Below is complete solved National Institute of open Schooling NIOS English 30 for assignment for senior secondary.


Max. Marks: 20


  • All questions are compulsory. The marks allowed for each question are given at same place
  • Write your name enrollment numbers, AI name, and subject on the top of the first page of the answer sheet.

1. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.

(b) “We have no time to stand and stare “. Explain the phrase , with the help of the leisure poem .

Ans: Through this phrase, the poet refers to a person whose life is busy with necessities of life. Hence , they don’t have enough time to work on thier mind. The poet says they are so busy that they don’t even have the time to simply “stand” and “stare” at the beauty of nature.

 2.Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.

 (a) Are Pythagoras’ Theorem, and Newton’ s Law of Gravity important to all of us in our daily lives? Why do you think we all learn about them? Write your lesson in reference to chapter Father, Dear Father.

Ans: “Oh Father, Dear Father” is a heart-wrenching letter addressed to a father by his son. The letter writer, Rahul, is a class topper in his school who slips to the second rank after losing a quarter mark. This letter is his anguish plea to his father who scolds him for his rank. Rahul is against the Indian education system which is characterized by rote learning without any practical exposure to real world. He condemns the emphasis placed on examination, marks and ranks.

No, Pythagoras ‘Theorem, and Newton’s law of Gravity are not important to all us in our daily lives. We learn them just for the sake of general knowledge.

3. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.

 (a) Thimmakka was a poor woman who found time to plant trees on the highway and look after them as if they were her own children thereby making her life purposeful and rendering service to the community and to the environment in general. Describe your views about Thimakka in your own words.

Ans: My views about Thimakka are below:

Thimmakka was a poor woman who found time to plant trees on the highway and look after them as if they were her own children thereby making her life purposeful and rendering service to the community and to the environment in general.

  • In the mid-20th century, she also initiated movements such as natural farming, agroforestry and women’s gardening..
  • Some of her activism against racism also led to her expulsion from Guatemala in the early 20th century.
  • Not only this, but she was also the initiator of the movement for women’s rights and to provide better working conditions for women, even to vote!
  • Also, she was part of the Indian Solidarity Association which was formed in 1977 by a group of Native Americans who tried to help other indigenous groups fight racism and injustices
  • In the late 1960s, she helped to found the Black Power movement and was a spokesperson for the African Liberation Support Committee
  • Finally, she was one of the founders of the Frantz Fanon Foundation, which was established in 1991 to raise awareness of issues surrounding postcolonialism and decolonization
  • These and many other movements and activities of hers have contributed to her current position of being a “visionary” and inspiration to many people.

4. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(b) ” The concept of “child sevitude ” implicity excludes the domestic labour of girls , althrough this may be full-time work , detrimental to development, necessary for survival and equally inescapable .” What do you understand by child sevitude? List the kinds of work \ job that girls do ( which is considerd as child servitude).

Ans: Child servitude refers to the exploitation of children through various forms of works or labour that are harmful , hazardous, or deprive them of their rights , well-being,and normal development. it involves the use of children for labour purposes, often under conditions that are exploitative, abusive , or coercive.

Here are some examples of works or jobs that are considered forms of child servitude :

  • Hazardous or exploitative labour : It can involve activities such as working in mines, quarries, factories,construction sites , or agriculture where children were exposed to hazardous conditions, toxic substances or physical exertions beyond their capabilities.
  • Forced Labour : Children forced into labour , often due to debt bondage , trafficking , or coercion , are subjected to various forms of child servitude.
  • Domestic Work: Girls are frequently engaged in full-time household chores , taking care of younger siblings, cleaning,cooking, and other domestic tasks .
  • Street Work: Children involved in street work, such as street vending, begging, shoe shinning, or garbage picking are exposed to numerous risks and exploitative conditions.
  • Agriculture Work : This can involve working on family farms, plantataion, or hired labour on commercial farms . Children involved in agriculture may be exposed to hazardous substances, long hours and deprived of educational opportunities .

5.Answer any one of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

a)(i) A receptionist must posseses a vide range of qualities and abalities . Mention some aids required by a receptionist.

Ans: Certainly ! A receptionist plays a crutial role in maintaining the smooth functioning of an organization and creating a positive impression on visitors or callers. Here are some qualities that a receptionist should posses:

  • Professionalism : A receptionist should exhibit professionalism in their demeanor, appearance and communication . They should maintain a polite and friendly atitude towards all individuals they attracts with .
  • Excellent Communication Skill : Effective verbal and written communication skills are essential for a receptionist . They should be able to communicate clearly , listen attentively and convey information accurately.
  • Interpersonal Skills: Having strong interpersonal skills enables them to build rapport , handle conflicts dimplomatically and provide excellent coustomer service.
  • Multitasking abilities:They should be capable of managing phone calls, greeting visitors, schedulling appointments, and handeling administrative duties while maintaning efficiency and attention to details.

In addition to the qualities mentioned above,receptionists often require certain aids or tools to perform their tasks efficiently . Some aids that can support a receptionist include:

  • Telephone System
  • Computer and Software
  • Scheduling and Calender tools
  • Visitor Management System
  • Communication tools
  • Office Suppliers

These aids , combained with the qualities mentioned earlier , enable a receptionist to perform their responsibilities effectivelty and contribute to the overall functioning of an organization.

(ii) What is an emergency call ? How can you make an emergency call ? Write a conversation in your own word.

Ans: An emergency call refers to a phone call refers to a phone call made to alert authorities or emergency services about a life threatening or urgent situations that requires immediate assistance. These calls are typically made to the emergency hotline number specific to the country, such as “911” in the United States, “112” in many European countries , or “000” in Austrelia.

Here is an example of a conversation explaining with the Emergency Service Person :

  • Person: ( Frequentily dailing the emergency hotline number) ” Hello ? Please , I need help ? ” There’s been a fire in my apartment building.
  • Emergency: ( Claming tone ) I ‘ am here to help . Please try to stay calm . Can you provide me with your exact location , Sir ?
  • Person : Yes, I am at 456 Maple Street , Apartment 3B . The fire started on the second floor , and smoke is filling up the building quickly.
  • Emergency: Thankyou for the information . I have already dispatched the fire department , and they are on the way. Are you able to evacuate safe .
  • Person: Yes , I am outside the building now , But I ‘m really worried about my neighbours who might still be inside.
  • Emergency: Understood, We”ll make sure to inform the firefighters about potential occupants still inside . Can you provide any details about the number of people who may inside the building.
  • Person: I believe there are at least 20 people on the second floor .
  • Emergency: Okay , we have that information , our priority is to ensure everyone’s safety.
  • Person: I appreciate your support . I ” ll keep you informed if there are any updates. Thankyou again.

Q6-(b) Prepare a bio-sketch on Rabindranath Tagore . Collect the following information and write a biographical sketch on Tagore.



Rabindranath Tagore was a man of various talents. He was recognized by people all over the globe for his literary works – poetry, philosophies, plays, and especially his songwriting. Rabindranath Tagore was the man who gave India, its National Anthem. He was one of the greatest entities of all time and the only Indian to receive a Nobel Prize.

Rabindranath Tagore was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1913, becoming the first non-European to receive the honour. He was only sixteen years old when he was to publish his first short story called “Bhanisimha”, was published. Rabindranath Tagore was born on the 07th of May, 1861 in Kolkata. Rabindranath Tagore was the son of Debendranath Tagore, one of Brahmo Samaj’s active members, a known and celebrated philosopher, and literate. R.N Tagore died after a prolonged illness on the 07th of August, 1941.

Rabindranath Tagore Childhood and Education:

While growing up, R.N Tagore shared a very intimate relationship with his elder brother and his sister-in-law. Rabindranath Tagore’s father’s name is Debendranath Tagore, and his mother’s name is Sarada Devi. Rabindranath Tagore’s birthday is on the 7th of May, 1861, and he was born in Calcutta, Bengal Presidency then. It is believed that they did everything together. Rabindranath Tagore’s education didn’t seem too impressive. R.N Tagore did not enjoy schooling, and he was mostly found procrastinating and pondering for hours. He went to one of the most prestigious St. Xavier’s School, and later, he went to the University of London in Bridgton, England, to study law and become a barrister. Still, as we know, he did not enjoy schooling much; he returned home in two years but without a degree. Even though he did not enjoy schooling much, he was always found with books, pen, and ink. He would always be scribbling things in his notebook; however, he was shy to reveal his writings.

Growing Years and Career:

R.N Tagore was only eight years old when he first wrote a poem. By the age of sixteen, his short story got published, titled “Bhanusimha”. R.N Tagore’s contribution to literature is beyond any measure. He was the one who had introduced new verses and prose and also lingua franca in his mother tongue, which is Bangla. R.N Tagore after returning to India after leaving his education, but he did not leave literature. R.N Tagore published several books of Rabindranath Tagore poems and short stories, plays, and songs. His most renowned work, called “Gitanjali”, was very well received all over India and England. He is the author of two National Anthems, which are “Amar Sonar Bangla” for Bangladesh and  “Jana Gana Mana” for India. He worked with very unfamiliar and different styles in Bangla Language. Some of them are heavily immersed in social and political satire. He was one of those who believed in global peace and equality. He is one of the pioneers of contemporary Bengali literature. After returning to India, he completed and published his book of poems called “Manasi” which was believed to contain his best poems. “Manasi” contained several verse forms which were fresh to contemporary Bengali literature, and it also contained some political and social satire that questioned and mocked R.N Tagore’s fellow Bengalis. Besides writing and working on literature, R.N Tagore also participated in the family business. In 1891, he went to East Bengal, which is now in Bangladesh, to look after his ancestral estates and lands at Shahzadpur and Shilaidaha for almost 10 years. He spent some time in a houseboat at Padma river, and his sympathy for village folk became the keynote of most literature later in his life. In East India, poems and other works of Rabindranath Tagore were published as a collection in the book called “Sonar Tari” and a very notable and celebrated play called “Chitrangada”. He has written over two thousand songs which are very popular in Bengal until now. When R.N Tagore was in his 60s, he tried his hand at painting, and for the talented man he was, his works won him a good name among India’s topmost contemporary artists.

Rabindranath Tagore and Shantiniketan:

Rabindranath Tagore received his nickname “Gurudev”, out of respect by his pupils at his very unique and special school, which he established in Shantiniketan, called “Visva Bharati University” Santiniketan was developed and founded by the Tagore family. This little town was very close to Rabindranath Tagore. R.N Tagore wrote several poems and songs about this place. Unlike other universities, “Visva Bharati” University was open to each student who was eager to learn. The classrooms and the scope for learning in this university were not confined within four walls. Instead, classes took place in open space, beneath the massive banyan trees on the university grounds. To this date, this ritual of attending classes in open spaces is practiced by the students and the teachers. R.N Tagore permanently moved to the school after.

Rabindranath Tagore Death and His Encounters with Death:

R.N Tagore was only fourteen years old when Sharada Devi, his mother, passed away. After his mother’s sudden and heartbreaking demise, R.N Tagore was mostly seen avoiding classrooms and schooling. Instead, he would roam about his town Bolpur. He had to face the death of several of his loved ones, that too, one after the other, which left him devastated and heartbroken. After his mother, R.N Tagore lost a very close friend and a very significant influence, Kadambari Devi, his sister-in-law. It is presumed that R.N Tagore’s novella called “Nastanirh” was about Kadambari Devi.It is also believed that she had committed suicide four months after R.N Tagore’s marriage to Mrinalini Devi. There are some serious speculations made about R.N Tagore, and his sister-in-law sharing a very intimate relationship and that maybe the two were in love; however, there has been no confirmation on the same. Later, his wife, Mrinalini Devi, too died due to an illness. He lost his two daughters, Madhurilata, who R.N Tagore adored and was fond of the most due to tuberculosis, and Renuka and his son Shamindranath due to cholera. These deaths shook him to the core, but he never failed to pick up his pen again. Even though all these encounters with death gave him shaping his personality and writing style, he kept longing for a companion who shares the same interests as he does. Life was a little less cruel to him at this point. When he found that companion, he had been longing for – his niece Indira Devi, who was highly educated and well-read. R.N Tagore wrote to her about some sensitive details about his life. These letters to Indira Devi witnessed the sheer  vulnerability of his emotional state, sensibilities, and experiences. Since Indira Devi had copied all his letters in a notebook in a notebook; it eventually got published. “Chinnapatra” can give one a glimpse of Tagore’s growth as a human and as an artist. Grief had been a constant part of R.N Tagore’s life, which is often reflected in his literary works; after losing Rabindranath Tagore’s wife and daughters, he lost his father too. These years of sadness and sorrow, which were very actively reflected in his literary works, were introduced as “Gitanjali” which won him the Nobel Prize.

Rabindranath Tagore and His Love For Literature, Art, and Music;

Some of the most renowned works of Tagore which are highly recommended works of literature are “Noukadubi”, “Shesher Kobita”, “Chaturanga”, “Gora”, “Char Adhyay”, “Jogajog”, “Ghare Baire”. “Ghare Baire” was also produced as a film by another precious talent Satyajit Ray. His novels were very underappreciated in his time but gained a lot of respect after film directors like Tapan Sinha, Tarun Majumdar and of course, Satyajit Ray adapted and made feature films based on his novels. In popular culture, even his songs, poems and novels are employed in Movies and as background scores. The genre of the songs by Rabindranath Tagore are known as “Rabindra Sangeet” and movies have been adapted and made out of his novels “Noukadubi” and “Chokher Bali”. It is highly recommended to read “Gitanjali” to appreciate Tagore’s poetic style and to appreciate some very heartfelt and moving songs that he wrote, it is recommended to listen to “Tobu Mone Rekho”. 

Rabindranath Tagore And His Last Days:

Rabindranath Tagore died in the place he loved the most. However, the last few years of his life were quite painful.  He was affected by chronic illness during the last 4 years of his life. In 1937, he went into a comatose condition due to this prolonged suffering he was enduring. On August 7th in 1941, this great novelist, poet, musician, and painter passed away quietly in the same Jorasanko mansion in which he was brought up.


By this we came to know about Rabindranath Tagore’s life , works and his achievements.

Also read: NIOS E-BOOK for class 12