Madhyamik Physics MCQs with answers Chapter- Current Electricity.

Madhyamik Physics MCQs with answers Chapter- Current Electricity. 2

Most important Madhyamik Physics MCQs with answers from the chapter Current Electricity. Learn the MCQ from Current-Electricity chapter to secure good marks un class 10. Also Question asked in the previous madhyamik examination are included in this series.

1. In household connection, the fuse is always connected with the –

Table of Contents

a. Live wire
b. Neutral wire
c. Earth wire
d. Can be connected to any wire of the above
Answer: a. Live wire

2. Magnetic effect of electric current was first proposed by scientist –

a. Ampere
b. Faraday
c. Coulomb
d. Oersted
Ans: d. Oersted

3. Keeping the resistance unchanged, if the current through a conductor is doubled and the time duration is halved, then the amount of heat generated will be –

a. Doubled
b. Four times
c. Half
d. Four times
Ans: a. Doubled

4.The SI unit of electric power and the correct relation relating it is –

a. watt, watt = coulomb x time
b. watt, watt = coulomb x volt
c. watt, watt = ampere x volt
d. joule, joule = coulomb x volt
Ans: c. watt, watt = ampere x volt

5.The power appear across a 10 ohm resistance is 160 watt. The current through the resistance is –

a. 16 A
b. 6 A
c. 4 A
d. 1.6 A
Ans: c. 4 A

6.Emf of an electrical cell is the –

a. Potential appear across the external load
b. Potential drop across its internal resistance
c. Difference of potential at its two ends when it is open circuited
d. None of these
Ans: c. Difference of potential at its two ends when it is open circuited.

7.According to thumb rule –

a. If the thumb of our any hand indicates the direction of current, then wrapped fingers will represent
circular magnetic field around the current
b. If the thumb of our left hand indicates the direction of current, then wrapped fingers will represent
circular magnetic field around the current
c. If the thumb of our left hand indicates the direction of magnetic field, then wrapped fingers will
represent direction of the current
d. If the thumb of our right hand indicates the direction of current, then wrapped fingers will represent
circular magnetic field around the current
Ans: d. If the thumb of our right hand indicates the direction of current, then wrapped fingers will represent circular magnetic field around the current.

8. If a person is assumed to swim along the direction of current and faces a magnetic needle, then

a. The N pole of the needle will deflect towards his right hand
b. The S pole of the needle will deflect towards his right hand
c. The S pole of the needle will deflect towards his left hand
d. None of these
Ans: b. The S pole of the needle will deflect towards his right hand.

9.In Fleming’s left hand rule, thumb of the left hand indicates

a. Magnetic field
b. Direction of current
c. Deflection of magnetic needle
d. None of these.
Ans: d. None of these.

10.Electric motors work under the principle of

a. Electromagnetic induction
b. Fleming’s right hand rule
c. Lenz’s law
d. Conversion of electrical energy to mechanical energy
Ans: d. Conversion of electrical energy to mechanical energy

11.Magnetic effect of electric current was first proposed by scientist –

a. Ampere
b. Faraday
c. Coulomb
d. Oersted
Ans: d. Oersted.

12.Chose the correct relation –

a. joule = coulomb x volt
b. joule = ampere x volt
c. watt = joule x sec
d. watt = volt x coulomb
Ans: a. Joule = coulomb x volt

13.The commercial unit of electric energy is B.O.T. 1 B.O.T =

a. 1 Watt-hr
b. 1000watt-sec
c. 100 watt-hr
d. 1kwatt-hr
Ans: d. 1kwatt-hr

14.According to Ohm’s law –

a. Current in a conductor is directly proportional to the resistance
b. Current in a conductor is directly proportional to the potential
c. Current in a conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference
d. Current in a conductor is inversely proportional to the potential difference
Ans: c. Current in a conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference.

15.If a conductor is heated to increase its temperature, then its resistance will –

a. Increase
b. Decrease
c. Remain same as resistance does not depend on temperature
d. First increase and then decrease
Ans: a. Increase

16.The resistance of a conducting slab depends on –

a. Length of the conductor
b. Area of cross section of the conductor
c. Nature of the conductor
d. All of these
Ans: d. All of these

17. What is the unit of potential difference.

a. ampere
c. Watt
Answer: b.Volt.

18. What is the unit of electric current

b. watt
d. ohm
Answer: c.ampere

19. Which one of the S.I unit given below is of resistance? (MP-2018)

a. volt
b. ampere
c. coulomb
Answer: d.ohm

20. What is S.I unit of charge

d. ohm
Answer. a.coulomb

21. What is the S.I unit of specific resistance

a. ohm-m
Answer: a. ohm-m

22. If a current of 2 ampere is following in a conductor for 30 second.The amount of charge is

a. 6 coulomb
b. 60 coulomb
c.5 coulomb
d. 15 coulomb
Answer: b. 60 coulomb

23. The relation among emf (V),work (W) and charge (Q) is

a. Q=WV
b. Q=V/W
c. Q= V/W2
d. Q=W/V
Answer: b. 60 coulomb

24. Which of the physical quantity represent ampere. (MP-2017)

a. coulomb-second
b. volt-ohm-1
c. volt-ohm
d. volt-1 ohm
Answer: a. coulomb-second

25. Resistivity of which of the following decreases with increase in temperature? (MP-2017)

c. super conductor
Answer: b.semiconductor

26.If the temperature remains constant when the potential difference between the two ends of a
conductor is V and the current through the conductor is I, then which of the following is true? (MP-2019)

a. V ∝ I
b. V ∝ I2
c. V ∝ I-1
d. V ∝ I-2
Answer: a. V ∝ I