NIOS April Exam 2020 has been cancelled. NIOS Student will be assessed on the basis of Past Performance or TMA/Practical exam.
In the latest notification NIOS or National Institute of Open Schooling has cancelled NIOS April exam 2020 public examination due to prevailing pandemic situation in the country. According to board all the registered secondary and senior secondary students for March-April-2020 exam will be assessed on the basis past performance or TMA/practical marks.
Read : NIOS official notification.
Although NIOS students will have option to appear at ondemand or next public examination for improving their performance.
How NIOS secondary and senior secondary students will assessed?
NIOS April exam 2020 assessment scheme for March-April 2020 exam:
NIOS Secondary and Senior Secondary students who was to appear for the first time in NIOS April 2020 exam and if their TMA (Tutor Marked Assessment) or Practical marks are available, they will be assessed on the basis TMA/Practical marks viz-viz performance of last three public exam.
NIOS Secondary and Senior Secondary students who have passed in 1 or 2 subjects in NIOS previous examination, they will be assessed on the basis of average marks obtained in theory of last three public exam for the subject students are registered to appear in April 2020 public exam.
NIOS Secondary and Senior Secondary students who have passed in 3 subjects in NIOS previous examination, they will be assessed for theory on the basis of average marks obtained in best 2 subjects for the subject students are registered to appear in April 2020 public exam.
NIOS Secondary and Senior Secondary students who have passed in 4 subjects in NIOS previous examination, they will be assessed for theory on the basis of average marks obtained in the best 3 subjects for the subject students are registered to appear in April 2020 public exam.
Read Also : All about NIOS admission stream -2
All the marks obtained in TMA and Practical will also reflect in mark statement/mark sheet.
NIOS has not yet notified regarding released of result of NIOS April exam 2020.
If anyone was appear in 2019 and gave 5 subject exam and passed only 3 subject. In 2020 he appear for 2 subject they permote or not
It depends on marks scored by the student in three passed subjects.