NIOS Exam date sheet Update! Revised date sheet for postponed exam released. Check here.
NIOS has released revised date sheet for April 2020 exam for both class 10 and class 12. Earlier NIOS had postponed all the ongoing April 2020 examination amid corona outbreak. In the latest announcement, HRD Minister, DR Ramesh Pokhriyal Nashank has tweeted NIOS revised date sheet for secondary and senior secondary exam 2020. Now NIOS exam for cxlass 10 and class 12 will held in the month of July.
NIOS public exam for March-April was earlier scheduled from 24 March to 24 April,2020.
According to NIOS exam date sheet, secondary and senior secondary exam will start on Friday ,17th July,202 and will end on Thursday, 13th August,2020. First exam for senior secondary will be Physics,History, Library information science and Sanskrit Vyakaran. First exam for secondary course will be Hindustani Musics. The NIOS exam for class 10 and class 12 will be conducted between 2:30 pm and 5:30 pm daily. NIOS board has also released fresh date sheet for all pending practical examination.
Student can also download NIOS date sheet from official website: under exam and result section.

Earlier NIOS exam for class 10 and class 12 were scheduled to be held between 24th March 2020 and 24th April 2020 which was postponed due to COVID19 outbreak. Also practical exams were postponed.
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About NIOS
National institute of Open Schooling or NIOS is the largest open schooling system established by Government of India. NIOS offers academic (Secondary & Senior Secondary), vocational,life enrichment course and community oriented courses through open and distance learning mode.