Class 11


Jimmy Valentine Questions And Answers for class 11.

Story “Jimmy Valentine” Essay type Question and Answer for class 11 WBCHSE. Question1:That child-can’t stand it long in there” who is referred to here? Why was she in danger? How was she saved? (WBHS-XI 2014) Answer: Here Annabel’s elder sister’s daughter Agatha is referred. May, the nine-year-daughter had shut Agatha in the new vault, in

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MCQ History Class 11 with answers.

Important Ancient and Medieval period MCQ History class 11 for W.B board and Competitive exams.learning of Multiple choice questions are important to secure good marks in the exam. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives given: 1. In which age did man become a food producer? a) Stone age                                       b) Paleolithic age                              c)New stone

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