West Bengal Madhyamik Pariksha (S.E) Result 2020.
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West Bengal class 10 ( Madhyamik) result will be out in May 2020. WBBSE is state board for conducting class 10 ( Madhyamik Pariksha) Examination in the state of West Bengal. This Year WBBSE conducted madhyamik exam from18th February 2020 to 27th February,2020.Generally West Bengal Madhyamk’s result is published in the month of May.Last year West Bengal Board of Secondary Education ( WBBSE) had conducted madhyamik examination in the month of February 2019. Last year result of WB Madhyamik Pariksha was published on 22nd March 2019.
This year 10,15,888 students appeared for West Bengal Class 10 (Madyamik Pariksha) exam as a regular and external candidate. This year number of girl student is slightly more than Boys. Total number 5,76,009 girls appeared for madhyamik exam 2020.
All the students who appeared for West Bengal Madhyamik Exam(class 10) 2020 are eagerly waiting for madhyamik result 2020. Once result is out, the student will be able to check WB Madhyamik Exam result at official web site..
West Bengal Board of Secondary ( WBBSE) madhyamik exam 2020 result will be released in the Middle of May 2020( Provisional).Once result of WB Madhyamik exam 2020 is released, student will be able check their result at official Web site i.e www.wbbse.org and www.wbresults.nic.in
For checking WB Madhyamik pariksha (Class 10) result, student will need roll number and date of birth.
When will result of West Bengal Madhyamik Pariksha 2020 be released?
Result of WB Madhyamik Pariksha 2020 will be published in the May 2020.
Where can I check my Madhyamik Pariksha 2020 result?
Students can check their WB madyamik Pariksha result 2020 of the following website:
What will I need to check madhyamik Result 2020?
Students will need a valid Madhyamik Pariksha roll number and date of birth for checking their result.
How to check WB Madhyamik Pariksha 2020 result?
Steps to check WB Madhyamik Pariksha exam result 2020.
Go to site site www.wbresults.nics or www.wbbse.org
Or type www.wbresults.nic.in or www.wbbse.org. in web browser.
Click on the Link on Result of Madhyamik Pariksha (S.E) 2020.
Type the roll and number.
Type the Date of birth in dd/mm/yyyy format.
Click submit.
Result will be shown on the screen
Take Print out or Save the result for further reference.
When will the student get hard copy of result and from where?
Generally Pass out student of Madhyamik Pariksha will get hard copy of result from their respective school on same day or day after.
Last five year WB Madhyamik Pariksha Result Statistic.
Year | No of Student Appeared | % Student Passed | % Girls Passed | % Boys Passed |
2015 | 845205 | 78.45% | 77.23% | 76.% |
2016 | 875648 | 81.8% | 81.59% | 80.78% |
2017 | 1071000 | 85.65% | 79.62% | 86.34% |
2018 | 1102921 | 85.49% | 86.34% | 86.34% |
2019 | 1066176 | 86.07% | 86.71% | 85.49% |

About West Bengal Board of Secondary Education.
About West Bengal of Sexcondary Education: The Board was established in 1951 under an Act of the State Legislature Act of the State Legislature called The West Bengal Secondary Education Act of 1950. WBBSE conducts school final examination evry year. Students are allowed to appear in Madhyamik Pariksha as a regular candidate or as an external candidate. Head office of WBBSE is at Nivedita Bhavan, DJ-8, Sector-II, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700091.