WBCHSE HS English Question paper 2019 PDF download

WBCHSE English question paper 2019 pdf download

WBCHSE HS English Question Paper 2019 PDF Download: Students of West Bengal HS (Class-12) can download HS English-B question Paper 2019. Previous year question Paper of English will help students get an idea about the questions asked in Higher Secondary examination. Practising previous year English question of West Bengal Higher Secondary Examination will boost student’s confidence. Also student can download HS English question paper 2019 in PDF format from the link given below.


Part-A (80 Marks)

1. Answer any two of the following questions, each in about 100 words : 6 × 2 = 12
(a) “… the girl got up and began to collect her things.”
Who is the girl? When did she get up ? Why did she get up to collect her things? What had the speaker thought about the brief encounter he had with the girl? 1 + 1 + 1 + 3
(b) “His answer filled me with a strange energy and enthusiasm.”
Who is the speaker ? Whose answer is being referred to here? What was the answer? 1 + 1 + 4
(c) “You gonna take me to jail?”
Who asked this question and to whom? When did the speaker ask this question ? What reply did the speaker get? 2 + 3 + 1
(d) How was the wounded man revived and nursed ? Why did he ask forgiveness of the Tsar ? What did the Tsar do when he had gained the man for a friend ? 2+2+2

2. Answer any two of the following questions, each in about 100 words : 6 × 2 = 12
(a) How does the poet describe the growth of a tree over the years ? What are the different steps taken for killing a tree ? 4 + 2
(b) “His smile Is like an infant’s …” Whose ‘smile’ is being referred to here? Why is his smile compared to the smile of an infant? How does Nature take care of him? 1 + 3 + 2
(c) “But thy eternal summer shall not fade”
Who is being referred to as ‘thy’? What is meant by ‘eternal summer’? Why shall not ‘thy eternal summer’ fade? 1 + 1 + 4
(d) How does Keats show that the ‘poetry of earth’ never ceases? 6

3. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100 words : 6 × 1=6
(a) “Why are you so formal in your get up ?” — Who is the speaker ?
Who is being spoken to? What led the speaker to make this comment? 1 + 1 + 4
(b) Lomov came with a proposal to marry Natalya Stepanovna. What logic does he give for his decision ? 6
(c) “I’m the most unhappy of men !”
Who said this ? Why did he say so ? How did the speaker get rid of his unhappiness ? 1+3 + 2
(a) What are the vows that Charandas take ? How does the Guru react to them ? 4 + 2
(b) “You have stolen her heart”
Who is the speaker ? Why does the speaker say so ? Whose heart is ‘stolen’ and how ?
What does the person spoken to think ? 1 + 1 + 2 + 2
(c) Why does the queen pronounce death sentence on Charandas Chor? 6

4. (a) Do as directed : 1 × 6 = 6
(i) I don’t intend to give up what I have.
(Use the underlined word as a noun and rewrite)
(ii) The Tsar said, “I come to you, wise man, for an answer to my questions.” (Change into indirect speech)
(iii) The man would have attacked you. (Change the voice)
(iv) The door was open. (Turn into a negative sentence)
(v) The sun began to sink behind the trees, the Tsar stuck the spade into the ground at last. (Turn into a complex sentence)
(vi) The most important thing in the world was science. (Change into positive degree)
(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions : 1/2× 6 = 3
When my father came out……………..(i)……………….the mosque after the prayers, people of different religions would be sitting outside, waiting …………………(ii)…………………….him. Many of them offered bowls of water ………………….(iii)……………………..my father, who would dip his fingertips ……………(iv)…………..them and say …………..(v)……………prayer. This water was then carried home…………(vi)…………..the invalids.
(c) Correct the error in the following sentence by replacing the underlined word with the right one from the options given below : 1×1=1
You might run that comb through your hair so you will look present.
[ Options : presently / presentable / presenting ]

5. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow :
Sometimes it is hard to believe that I’ve been up here in the hills all these years — fifty summers and monsoons and winters and Himalayan springs (there is no real spring in the plains) — because when I look back to the time of my first coming here, it seems like yesterday. That probably sums it all up. Time passes, and yet it doesn’t pass; people come and go, the mountains remain. Mountains are permanent things. They are stubborn, they refuse to move. You can blast holes out of them for their mineral wealth; or strip them of their trees and foliage, or dam their streams and divert their currents; or make tunnels and roads and bridges; but no matter how hard they try, humans cannot actually get rid of the mountains. That’s what I like about them; they are here to stay. I like to think that I have become a part of this mountain, this particular range, and that by living here for so long, I am able to claim a relationship with the trees, wild flowers, even the rocks that are an integral part of it. Yesterday, at twilight, when I passed beneath a canopy of oak leaves, I felt that I was a part of the forest. I put out my hand and touched the bark of an old tree, and as I turned away, its leaves brushed against my face, as if to acknowledge me.
(a) State whether the following statements are True or False. Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False. ( You need not write the sentences, write the numbers only ) 1×4 = 4
(i) The oak leaves formed a roof over the author.
(ii) The author does not like the fact that mountains are permanent things.
(iii) The author means to say that he has lived through all the seasons in the mountains.
(iv) Humans cannot do away with the mountains.
(b) Answer each of the following questions in about 30 words : 2×3 = 6
(i) What can man do to mountains ?
(ii) What does the author claim a relationship with ?
(iii) Why is it hard to believe for the author that he has lived in the hills for fifty years ?

6. (a) Write a report on a campaign on ‘Educate the Girl Child’ organised by your school. Mention the role of both students and teachers, purpose of this campaign, participation, response and so on. The report will be published in your school magazine. (Word limit: 150 words) 2+8=10
(b) Write a letter to the headmaster / headmistress of your school requesting him / her to make more variety of books available in the library. ( Word limit : 150 words ) 2+8=10
(c) Write a precis of the following passage. Add a suitable title : 10
Charlie Chaplin once said, “In this age of scientific inventions, we think too much, we feel too little.” Science boosts up the modern craze for material prosperity. It has revolutionized our lives. It has made life more comfortable with various amenities. It is undoubtedly the driving force behind any human excellence. But it kills the soul of a man. Our skills and habits are changed by science. Excessive mechanization brings unhappiness because human faculties are slighted. A person starts believing that machines will do all for him, and this tendency becomes fatal in this high-tech world. But none can doubt that science has helped us to discover the hidden truth in nature. Can we ever imagine the modern age without computers, lasers, antibiotics, biotechnology, or different electronic gadgets? That is why it is said that science gives knowledge and power but not wisdom.

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  1. Pingback: WBCHSE History Model paper with answer key for 2021.

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