WBCHSE routine 2020 update! or West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education has released new routine 2020 for postponed exam for class 12. WB HS exam for postponed subject will held on 2nd July 2020,6th July 2020 and 8th July 2020. The student can download rescheduled H.S Exam routine 2020 here. WB HS exam will held between 10:00 AM and 1:15 PM.
Earlier due to outbreak of Corona Virus and nationwide lock down,WB council had postponed exam of class 12 for following subjects Education/ Physics/Nutrition/Accountancy Geography/ Statistics/ Costing & Taxation/Home Management & Family Resource Management Sanskrit/ Chemistry/Economics/Journalism & Mass
Communication/ Persian/Arabic/French.
Class 11 students exam was canceled and all the students were promoted to class 12.

Click Here for WB routine 2020: West Bengal Reschedule class 12 exam routine.
WBCHSE routine 2020 for Class 12 pending subjects.
Examination for class 12 subjects Education,Physics, Nutrition and Accountancy will held on Tuesday, 2nd July, 2020.
Examination for Sanskrit,Chemistry, Economics, Journalism and Mass communication,Persian, Arabic and French will held on Monday, 6th July,2020
Examination for Geography,Statistics,Costing and taxation, and Home Management & Family Resource Management will held on Wednesday,8th July 2020.
West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education has also issued guidelines that are to be followed by the students and the exam center.
According to guidelines,all the rooms ,toilet, and benches are to sanitized every day. All the teaching ,non teaching staffs have to wear mask, Hand gloves and maintain social distancing from each other and student.